
Late Bloomer

Sometimes I really feel way behind. While it would seem like a normal outpost for a writer to have a blog, this is my first foray into such a thing. Because writing and technology are two separate disciplines, and I guess in my mind that kind of takes me back to my "good in languages and history, not good in math and science" days of school.

Because of that, I have these strange coping mechanisms for learning new things. When I had to study econ in college, I told myself it was the philosophy of money, not a series of math equations. Similarly, I'm approaching the learning curve of html with the concept that I'm learning a new language, not trying to scale a frustrating wall of technology. I've always prided myself on knowing how to say three phrases in native tongue within the first few hours of being dropped in to a new country: "Please", "Thank You" and "Fuck Off".

For a girl traveling solo, please and thank you will cover 90+ percent of situations. The rest of the time, you'll need to know how to shock the hell out of someone.

Sure, I could approach this new technological environment the same way many Western tourists approach their travels....a good portion of the rest of the world speaks english, so they can "wysiwyg" their way through. But aren't those folks missing out on the richness of words and phrases that don't translate into our tongue? The closeness of the bond that is formed when two strangers meet and one struggles but sincerely attempts to work within the framework of the other's world?

(I must pause for a moment to revel in the moment of actually using wysiwyg in a sentence. There, I'm better.)

Of course, in my travels, there are a couple of necessary crutches. There's always going to be a Lonely Planet guide in my backpack or suitcase. And I'm equally grateful for the wealth of online resources that I can call on in blogging. Then, there are people. Whether natives or fellow travelers, this is where you're always going to get your best information. Because as much as Lonely Planet knows about the world, they're just not going to be able to tell you as much about Kathmandu as the South African girl you meet who's just been there last week.

So I've really been thinking of other bloggers and site visitors as fellow travelers. I'm so thankful to those who have helped me hunt and peck my way through getting this set up. And I'm beyond happy when people actually come here and play in this little environment I've created. Please share your comments and questions, and I look forward to hearing from all of you.